Friday, November 12, 2010

HaPpy hAlLoWeEn!

Here we are carving pumpkins. The worst part about carving pumpkins is getting all of the guts out. Carter was having a fit because he did not want to pick out the gross stuff.

We put dry ice in some root beer and had some witches brew. The best part is the smoke.

My friends as cute nerds:) Lizzie Me and Maddie

Josh as a fat P.E. coach
And Carter as a fire fighter.

My awesome mom as a rock star.

Happy Halloween Everyone!!!!


  1. Hailey, I've been trying to leave comments, but it's not working. I'll see if this works:)

  2. Ok - I guess it worked this time, sooooo.....
    WOW! Hailey, I love your new blog! I'm so impressed with how pretty you have everything set up - the colors, the butterflies, the flowers, and the sparkle:) (Reminds me of how your face was painted at Red Robin). I'm so excited to be able to keep up on your busy life by reading your blog. Good job sweetie. Maybe you can give Nana some lessons on how to do it someday. Love ya!

  3. I love your blog hailey!!!!! I love your family's costumes!! Hope you feel better!
